What are the different styles / profiles in carpets?
Cut Pile:
The cut pile carpets are the ones where the fibers are looped into the carpet backing and the top of the loops are cut off leaving flat tufts of fiber.
1. Cut Pile Plush:
- Shorter pile length and the piles are twisted together.
- Twisting of fiberscreates texture under light
- Soft and offer a formal look
- Prone to footprints and vacuuming
- Suitable to medium to low traffic areas
2. Cut Pile Twist:
- Piles in this type are twisted and hence the pile get oriented along different directions
- Offer superior comfort and feel
- Compared to cut pile, they are less likely to show footprints or tracking
- Suited for areas with high foot traffic
Loop Pile:
In this type, the fibers are looped into the backing of the carpet to form continuous loops.
1. Level Loop Pile:
- All the loops are uniform in length
- Textures are produced in these by varying the tightness of loops
- Doesn’t show footprints
- Best suited for high traffic areas
2. MultiLevel Loop:
- Loops are in different heights
- Loops in different sequences are used to create patterns
- Well suited for medium to high-traffic areas.
- Alsocalled High-Low loop pile
Combination Cut and Loop Pile
They contain combination of cut and loop pile to create patterns. They can also create sculptured effects under different lighting conditions.
1. Textured Cut and Loop Pile
- Combination of cut and loop tufts
- Soft and smooth textured feel
- Different patterns which give a great appeal
- Less prone to foot prints
- Suited for medium to high traffic
2. Level Cut and Loop Pile
- Combination of level loop and cut fiber tufts
- Suited for medium to high traffic
- Less prone to foot prints and vacuuming